miércoles, 16 de octubre de 2019

Post 8: Summer Plans

Hi bloggers!

Today I'm going to talk about my summer plans.
To be honest, I'm still don't think about my summer vacation, only I think is I would like work at least one month full time, so I can go somewhere.

I've always wanted to go San Pedro de Atacama on my vacation, but I have never achieved it, because I don't put money together or plan it, maybe this is the opportunity to go.  

I woul like to go with my boyfriend and friends , in this case my boyfriend has also always wanted to go to San Pedro de Atacama, it would be nice to go together, and to go to my friends it would be funny, because we all get along very well!

I would like to take millions of photo with my friends, boyfriend, alone and obviously to the landscape. I will share them in my social networks and google drive, because I think it is a way to keep them safe if my phone or camera is lost. 

If I didn't get to make this trip, I would also like to go where I always go, Maitencillo, because being on the beach helps me relax and have fun with my friends.

Maitencillo is located in the fith region of Valparaiso, in the commune of Puchincaví, it is a beautiful and entertaining place, especially at night (haha), I recommend it to go on vacation with friends.

miércoles, 9 de octubre de 2019

Post 7: Your Bucket List

Hi bloggers

Today I'm going to talk about My bucket list.
To be honest, I haven't a physically bucket list, however in my mind  I have many things that I want to do.
If I had to create a bucket list, maybe would be next form:

-Finish school
-Enter to the University
-Finish University
-To study abroud
-I want to travel Europa
-Find a job (related to what I study)
-Get married
-Be a mother
-Have a family
-Be successful

I think that nothing of my bucket list it is difficult to achieve, because everything takes time and nothing it is impossible  if you really want it, you have to persevere.
In my list that I recently-created, I have done two activities: Finish school and Enter to the University. Maybe I forgot activities that in the past I would have included them in my list and now I would have made them or maybe not.
I would like to share these activities with the person who will accompany me for the rest of my life, and also my family, because they are very important things for me and I think that I should only share that with close people and who will be with me until the end in all circumstances.

I hope to make all of my bucket list, and if it can't be done, try again, because it's better try again that not try again. 

miércoles, 2 de octubre de 2019

Post 6: Postgraduate Studies

Hi bloggers!

Today I'm going to talk about the postgraduate that I would like studies.
Since the second year of mi carreer, I started a interest in the area of the ergonomic. I meeting that this area is very important to considerated in the product design because has parameters for different user, and also different position that cosiderated correct and incorrect for the persons.
I have always wanted to study this postgrade abroad, because I feel that this mention is studied more in depth in abroad that in Chile, apart I have more oportunity for meet work in the future since in Chile there are not many design professionals in this area, and it is country that needs these studies, in reality all things need this estudy for have a better quality.
I would like to go to another country to study and if there is the possibility of working in that place I would not doubt.
I believe that this lack knowledge is because the study not contemplate in the vocabulary, I refer that proffesionals whose is work is related a litte to this term is not aware of what this sould do, and it is for this reason thet there are things or transports that are wrong in ergonomic terms.
I hope to be able to complete this postsgrade in the future.